India's growing AIDS problem

Jul 27, 2006
India's economic growth rate is one of the fastest in the world, over 8% last year. But a new study says that HIV/AIDS will dramatically cut that growth over the next decade. Miranda Kennedy reports.

Japan resumes US beef imports

Jul 27, 2006
US cattlemen can breathe a sigh of relief today. Once the biggest foreign consumer of US beef, Japan has officially ended its ban on imports following a mad cow scare. Dan Grech reports.

Lebanese refugees flood Syria

Jul 26, 2006
Hundreds of thousands of Lebanese have fled into Syria to escape Israeli attacks. But their massive numbers have put a major strain on Syrian public services. Ben Gilbert reports from Damascus.

Congo's costly elections near

Jul 26, 2006
It's taken the help of 17,000 international peacekeepers, but this weekend, the African nation is holding its first elections in 40 years. Suzanne Marmion looks at the cost of bringing democracy to the Congo.

Immigration battle in Britain

Jul 26, 2006
British business leaders are upset about a new plan to fight illegal immigration there. Stephen Beard has the details.

Conflict's impact on Israel's economy is scattered

Jul 25, 2006
In Jerusalem and other areas well outside the range of the conflict between the Israeli Defense Forces and Hezbollah, life goes on almost as normal. Hilary Kreiger reports.

Business plan hustle

Jul 25, 2006
There's a lot of bunk in business. You say something that sounds business-y often enough and it starts to stick. Sean Cole has a case in point.

For public good, not for profit.

BP's big profits

Jul 25, 2006
British oil giant BP has reported a big hike in earnings thanks to higher oil and natural gas prices. But it's also facing plenty of problems in the US. Stephen Beard reports.

Disney buys its way into India

Jul 25, 2006
Disney said today it's buying Hungama TV, a kids entertainment cable channel in India. It might be a good move for Disney, Miranda Kennedy reports.

Exodus to Syria

Jul 25, 2006
Thousands of Lebanese citizens are fleeing their homes to escape the violence between Hezbollah guerillas and Israel. Many have made it to Syria. Ben Gilbert reports on the impact it's having on that country.