Egypt's next big thing

Jul 25, 2006
Egypt has plans to broaden the country's tourism appeal beyond just the pyramids. Nancy Farghalli tells us what's coming.
The Great Pyramides of Cheops, Chephren and Mycerinus in Giza, Cairo, Egypt
Marco Di Lauro (c) Getty Images

What killed Doha?

Jul 25, 2006
The Doha Round of global free trade talks collapsed Monday in Geneva. Steve Tripoli tells us what some of the sticking points were.

Violence continues in Congo

Jul 24, 2006
On Sunday, the Democratic Republic of Congo will hold its first multiparty elections in 40 years. But pre-election violence has left some observers extremely wary. Suzanne Marmion reports.

The death of Doha

Jul 24, 2006
The latest round of the World Trade Organization's free trade talks has collapsed. Stephen Beard updates us on the latest in the Doha Round in Geneva.

Doha Round talks collapse

Jul 24, 2006
The US, Europe and developing nations have been trying for five years to draft a global free trade agreement. Today those talks broke down. Host Scott Jagow asks British economist Sean Rickart, what's the problem?

UK to crack down on fraud

Jul 24, 2006
The British government is planning to adopt a tough US-style approach to combating fraud and other large-scale financial crime. Stephen Beard reports.

Cyprus feels strain of Lebanon's evacuees

Jul 21, 2006
Thousands of evacuees from war-torn Lebanon are inundating the Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus, straining services already taxed by its peak tourist season. Kai Ryssdal talks to reporters on the scene.

For public good, not for profit.

No peace over US-UK extradition treaty

Jul 21, 2006
Stephen Beard reports on the growing controversy in Britain over the extradition treaty that was used to send three British bankers to Texas last week.

Strikes against Lebanon continue

Jul 21, 2006
Israeli prime minister says his army's offensive in Lebanon will last "as long as necessary." Financial Times reporter Ferry Biedermann is in Beirut and says critical infrastructure is simply wiped out.
A plume of smoke is seen over buildings following an Israeli night air raid on a Beirut southern neighborhood.
Nicolas Asfouri (c) AFP/Getty Images

Human kidneys for sale

Jul 20, 2006
The black market for kidneys in India is swelling as the poor trade their organs for cash. For Marketplace and public television's Frontline/World, Samantha Grant filed this dispatch from India.