Who is coming to Lebanon's aid?

Jul 20, 2006
As the battle between Israel and Hezbollah continues, Lebanon faces a growing humanitarian crisis. Hillary Wicai reports that getting aid on the ground will be a tricky thing.

Asking WTO to rule on Internet gaming

Jul 20, 2006
A tiny Caribbean nation miffed at US efforts to restrict online gambling is calling on the World Trade Organization for help. Ashley Milne-Tyte has the story.

Brits bristle at online gaming arrests

Jul 20, 2006
Internet gambling executives in Britain have been warned: They risk extradition to the US for breaking American gaming laws. And that has caused anxiety in the British business community. Stephen Beard reports.

Chalk another one up to Boeing

Jul 20, 2006
The man who many say single-handedly sent the Airbus A350 back to the drawing board makes more waves at the Farnborough air show. Jason Paur reports.

Analyzing the Syria-Hezbollah connection

Jul 19, 2006
What does Syria have to gain from its connection to the militant group Hezbollah? Host Kai Ryssdal talks with Joshua Landis, who studies Syrian politics and economy at the University of Oklahoma.

BP shuts down more Alaskan oil wells

Jul 19, 2006
British oil giant BP appears to have sprung a leak in more ways than one. The company is shutting down even more wells in Alaska after whistleblowers contacted the Financial Times. Stephen Beard reports.

Corona's new distribution deal

Jul 19, 2006
Corona is America's No. 1 imported beer. Tuesday its brewer announced a shakeup in how it's distributed in the US. Franc Contreras reports from Mexico City.

For public good, not for profit.

Rosneft IPO a shield for state-sponsored theft?

Jul 19, 2006
Russia's state-owned oil company Rosneft went public today, offering shares on the London Stock Exchange. Stephen Beard reports the move highlights Russia's new brand of "state capitalism."

Trademark pirates in China

Jul 19, 2006
Chinese squatters have been registering trademarks of high-profile Western companies, hoping they'll pay ransom to retrieve their logo rights in China. Jocelyn Ford reports, they don't always know who they're targeting.

Rebuilding Afghanistan

Jul 18, 2006
The US is leading the effort to reconstruct Afghanistan's roads and schools. One ambitious project: a bridge connecting it to neighboring Tajikistan, which Afghans hope will help them get back to business, Miranda Kennedy reports.