We may have a winner in Mexico

Jul 6, 2006
While you were sleeping, Mexican officials have been counting and re-counting votes in its presidential election. Host Mark Austin Thomas talks to Marketplace Americas Desk correspondent Dan Gretch.

North Korea sanctions may have to be creative

Jul 5, 2006
Japan instituted some sanctions after North Korea's missile tests. Now the US is pushing for a "strong signal" from the UN. But what do you take from a country with little in the way of legitimate economy? Scott Tong reports.

Big moneymaker in Shanghai

Jul 5, 2006
The Bank of China's shares made a strong debut Wednesday on the Shanghai stock market. The sale raised $2.5 billion, making it mainland China's biggest IPO. Jocelyn Ford reports.

Who is Felipe Calderon?

Jul 5, 2006
It may take months to resolve Mexico's disputed presidential elections, but the winner appears to be business-friendly Felipe Calderon. What policies is he likely to pursue if he's declared the winner? Dan Grech reports.

China's franchise growing pains

Jul 5, 2006
Franchising in China is growing at about 40 percent a year, one of the fastest-developing markets in the world. And Beijing recently changed the rules to make it easier for foreign franchises to join in. Jocelyn Ford reports.

London bombing one year ago

Jul 5, 2006
Friday is the first anniversary of the London bombings that killed 56 people. The British government has repeatedly rejected calls for an investigation into the atrocity. Stephen Beard tells us why.

Sanctioning North Korea?

Jul 5, 2006
Japan has already announced some limited economic sanctions against North Korea, after it launched several test missiles over the holiday. But critics say more drastic sanctions are needed. Jocelyn Ford reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Hedge funds for the middle guy?

Jul 4, 2006
A group of economic advisors today recommended the European Commission drastically lower the threshold for hedge fund investing. It's a move many would like to see copied in the US, Amy Scott reports.

Africa's new Hollywood

Jul 4, 2006
There's an ancient city in the Moroccan Sahara full of stars — the Tinseltown variety. Gladiator and Alexander were shot there, and Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Russell Crowe can't get enough of Ouarzazate. John Laurenson reports.

Still too close to call in Mexico

Jul 4, 2006
Felipe Calderon appears to be the winner of Mexico's presidential election, but the country may be on the verge of political and possibly economic paralysis. Dan Grech reports.