India's digital divide, part 2

Jun 30, 2006
India's growing call center industry offers help with computers and Internet use, but relatively few Indians have access to that technology themselves. But as Miranda Kennedy reports, that's starting to change.

New train to Tibet

Jun 30, 2006
China launches the world's highest altitude train tomorrow. The government says the train bound for Tibet will help the local economy by bringing in lots of tourists. But Jocelyn Ford tells us many Tibetans worry they won't benefit financially.

ASDA sidesteps strike

Jun 30, 2006
A British supermarket owned by Wal-Mart has avoided a strike planned to coincide with England playing in the World Cup tomorrow. Analysts say it's the kind of deal Wal-Mart would never do in the US. Stephen Beard reports.

Le Tour sans Lance

Jun 30, 2006
The Tour de France begins Saturday without marquee cyclist Lance Armstrong. Alex Cohen looks at whether his absence with hurt the event's draw in the US and its TV ad revenue.

Future of Mexico at hand

Jun 29, 2006
This weekend Mexicans elect a new president. So far, the campaign has centered around Mexico's economy and its future as the two candidates have very different approaches to running the economy. Dan Grech reports.

Free trade impasse at WTO

Jun 29, 2006
Trade officials from around the world gather in Geneva today to try to restart stalled trade negotiations. Steve Tripoli reports.

Mexico presidential election almost here

Jun 29, 2006
Mexicans go to the polls this weekend to elect a new president. Dan Grech looks at what's at stake economically.

For public good, not for profit.

BP in trouble for price fixing

Jun 29, 2006
US regulators have filed a lawsuit against British oil giant BP. They're charging it with manipulating the price of propane, saying it artificially drove up the cost of heating and cooking oil for millions of Americans. Stephen Beard reports.

More details on BP price fixing

Jun 29, 2006
What's in store for the British oil company? Host Scott Jagow talks with Marketplace European correspondent Stephen Beard about this and other scandals plaguing BP.

Farewell to Japan's Junichiro Koizumi

Jun 29, 2006
President Bush hosts a farewell summit today for Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi, who steps down in a couple months. Jocelyn Ford has more on the Japanese leader's legacy.