World free trade talks

Jun 28, 2006
Government ministers gather in Geneva tomorrow for a last ditch effort to save the Doha round of global trade talks. If the talks fail, the economic consequences could be dire. Stephen Beard reports.

Airbus turbulence continues

Jun 28, 2006
European plane-maker Airbus has some explaining to do. Today the co-CEO at its parent company EADS went before French lawmakers. Stephen Beard reports.

Call center security breach

Jun 28, 2006
HSBC said today a call center employee in India was arrested for handing over people's bank information to thieves.Host Scott Jagow talks to David Wells of the Financial Times about just how secure these call centers are — or aren't.

Central banks urged to get tough on inflation

Jun 27, 2006
The world body that acts as a forum for central banks, the Bank for International Settlements, has called for higher interest rates around the world. Stephen Beard reports.

India's digital divide

Jun 26, 2006
Last year only four million Indians bought PCs. This from a country of over a billion. Companies from Intel to Motorola are looking for ways to boost technology use among the millions of India's poor. Miranda Kennedy reports.

Steel deal: Arcelor gives in to Mittal

Jun 26, 2006
One of Europe's longest and most acrimonious takeover battles appears to be over. European steelmaker Arcelor has finally agreed to merge with the Indian-owned Mittal. From London, Stephen Beard reports.

Chinese imports sneak back into US market

Jun 26, 2006
An uproar from US textile companies over cheap Chinese imports last year led to tariffs and restrictions on Chinese bras and other clothing. But now exporters have found a new way to get products into the US. Jocelyn Ford reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Advantage Adidas

Jun 26, 2006
Wimbledon starts today and already there's a winner: Adidas has won a temporary legal battle to keep its signature three-stripe design on sponsored players. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Lula's reelection bid

Jun 23, 2006
Brazil's socialist president is expected this weekend to announce plans to run for reelection. As Paulo Prada reports, Lula is one leftist leader even foreign investors love.

Hooligan travel ban seems to be working

Jun 23, 2006
England plays a do-or-die World Cup match against Ecuador this weekend, but as many as 3,000 die-hard English fans won't be able to attend the match in person. Stephen Beard has the story.