Taking the wealth home

Jun 8, 2006
Pakistan's economy has been booming since 9/11. The reason? Many wealthy Pakistanis living abroad chose to return fearing harassment abroad. Miranda Kennedy reports from Islamabad.

World markets tank

Jun 8, 2006
Major world indexes fell again today — as much as 5 percent in some places. And Wall Street didn't fare much better most of the day. Bob Moon reports.

Interest rates are rising, commodities falling

Jun 8, 2006
The Fed's not the only one worried about inflation. Seven central banks raised short-term interest rates this week. Those jitters are shaking confidence in commodities too. Stephen Beard reports from London.

Inflation fears deflating world markets

Jun 8, 2006
Concern about inflation and interest rates is cutting deeper and deeper into world markets. Today, Asian stocks fell to their lowest levels in months. Jocelyn Ford reports.

Al-Zarqawi death drops oil prices

Jun 8, 2006
Oil prices dropped below $70 a barrel today after US-led airstrike yesterday killed al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq. Oil exports there have been the constant target of sabotage. Stephen Beard reports.

Hey, those are <em>our</em> ancient remedies!

Jun 7, 2006
American and European drug companies have filed thousands of patents on unorthodox treatments that have been used in India for centuries. Now, India is fighting back to protect its ancient intellectual property. Suzanne Marmion reports.

Illicit trade in camel jockeys

Jun 7, 2006
Miranda Kennedy reports that for Pakistani boys forced to work as camel jockeys in the Middle East, life is still tenuous once they return to their home country.

For public good, not for profit.

Google rethinks China compromise

Jun 7, 2006
Co-founder Sergey Brin admitted yesterday that the deal Google struck with China to allow some censorship on its search engine in that country may have been a mistake. Jocelyn Ford reports.

Biofuel buzz going global?

Jun 7, 2006
A report out today looks at the potential for fuels such as ethanol to go global &mdash; and World Bank's potential interest in funding biofuel projects in developing countries is fueling the buzz. Sam Eaton reports.

Mexico's presidential debate

Jun 7, 2006
Yesterday's prime-time presidential debate was considered crucial point in Mexico's decision to remain right of center or elect a more leftist president. Dan Grech has more.