How real is that Sunday NAFTA deadline?

Sep 26, 2018
We'll have an answer by Monday morning...
Canada's Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland speaks with reporters as she arrives for a meeting at the US Trade Representative's office Sept. 5, 2018 in Washington, DC.

Lumber trade dispute and tariffs boost U.S. wood products

Sep 20, 2018
Prices for U.S. softwood lumber have jumped since tariffs against Canadian lumber took effect last year.
A machine piles pine logs for processing at the Montrose Forest Products sawmill.
Esther Honig/Harvest Public Media

Canada is in no rush to join a new NAFTA deal

Sep 19, 2018
Even with the U.S. and Mexico reaching an early pact, there are still some issues to iron out before Canada joins in.
Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland speaks with reporters as she arrives for a meeting at the U.S. Trade Representative's office in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 19.
SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

Canada's Aluminum Valley grapples with U.S. tariffs

Sep 17, 2018
A 50-mile stretch along the Saguenay River in Quebec produces roughly half of Canada's aluminum; residents are anxious.
Rio Tinto ships raw material and finished ingots in and out of its own port facility on the bay of the Saguenay River, which flows out to the Saint Lawrence and the Atlantic Ocean.
Emma Jacobs/Marketplace

U.S and Canada prepare to resume tough NAFTA talks

Sep 3, 2018
On Wednesday, Canadian and U.S. negotiators head back to the negotiating table for discussions on overhauling the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA.) Over the weekend, President Trump tweeted that there was no need to keep Canada in the deal and he warned he might terminate it altogether. Then yesterday,  Richard Trumka, the leader of […]

Can Congress even approve a U.S.-Mexico trade deal that leaves out Canada?

Aug 28, 2018
Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland was back in Washington on Tuesday, rejoining NAFTA negotiations with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer after weeks on the sidelines. The United States and Mexico have sketched out the beginnings of an agreement, and the question now is whether Canada can be brought into the deal. On Monday, President Donald […]
Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland speaks to the media Aug. 28, 2018 in Washington, DC. Freeland arrived in Washington to rejoin trilateral trade negotiations, after interrupting a trip to France, Germany and Ukraine. 

Can Canada get itself in on the NAFTA rewrite?

Aug 28, 2018
On Monday, the United States and Mexico reached a tentative agreement on updates to the North American Free Trade Agreement. So now it’s Canada’s turn, right? Maybe. Today, Canada’s foreign minister, Chrystia Freeland, is in Washington to get her country in on the NAFTA rewrite. The big sticking points? Dairy and infrastructure.  Click on the […]
Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chrystia Freeland gives a message to the media during the seventh round of NAFTA talks in Mexico City, on March 5, 2018. 

For public good, not for profit.

As trade tensions with the U.S. escalate, some in Canada are turning toward products made at home

Aug 22, 2018
In May, the Trump administration announced import tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum. Canada retaliated with its own, longer list of tariffs that includes steel and aluminum but also products from bourbon to strawberry jam. With the risk of an escalating trade war, a father-son team has created a website for Canadians to find products […]
A fan waves a Canada flag during the game between the United States and Canada on Dec. 3, 2017 at Xcel Energy Center in St Paul, Minnesota. 
Hannah Foslien/Getty Images

With NAFTA stalled, U.S. and Mexican officials to meet on trade

Jul 26, 2018
U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer is scheduled to meet today with Mexico’s economy minister. They’re trying to revive NAFTA negotiations. Mexican officials and President Donald Trump are sounding optimistic. But what, realistically, can be accomplished in these talks? Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

U.S. risks isolation as other countries sign trade pacts

Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday in Tokyo, the European Union and Japan inked a fresh trade pact that will eliminate most of the tariffs between them. The EU has been a busy bee on the trade front. It recently agreed to a new deal with Mexico, and a new one with Canada is now up and running. It’s in […]