Many sticking points and little time in NAFTA negotiations

May 11, 2018
May 17. Next Thursday. That’s the deadline House Speaker Paul Ryan has set for negotiators to notify Congress that they’ve reached an agreement on a revised version of the North American Free Trade Agreement if they want to get it through Congress by the end of the year. A May deadline for a December vote […]

Canada's immigration system has created a labor shortage

May 1, 2018
Haitians, whose temporary protected status is ending in the U.S., are helping to solve the problem.
A U.S. Border Patrol agent walks onto a frozen lake that is split between Canadian territory to the right and the United States in 2006 near Norton, Vermont.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Where do NAFTA renegotiations stand?

Apr 10, 2018
After seven rounds of brokering a revamped deal, there are still major sticking points to discuss between the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Trump grants tariff exemptions for Mexico and Canada

Mar 8, 2018
Imports from all other countries will face a 25 percent tariff for steel and 10 percent for aluminum.
President Donald Trump turns to outgoing National Economic Council Chairman Gary Cohn, center, during a Cabinet meeting at the White House today in Washington, D.C.

Will dysfunction in DC give our NAFTA partners an edge?

Jan 22, 2018
The next round of negotiations over the North American Free Trade Agreement officially begins tomorrow in Montreal. It’s the sixth of seven rounds, and the stakes are high. Now that the government is back open, the United States will have a full roster of negotiators at the talks. They’ll be trying once again to hammer […]

Toronto is building a billion-dollar mini smart city

Nov 16, 2017
The city partnered with an Alphabet subsidiary to bring new tech to its waterfront.
Toronto Mayor John Tory during his visit to Marketplace's New York bureau.
Stephanie Hughes/Marketplace

Amazon might go Canadian for its second headquarters

Oct 27, 2017
Applicants weren't limited to the U.S.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau might be embracing Amazon next year.
Etienne Oliveau/Pool/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Restaurateur Jen Agg on creating ambiance, treating staff like family and sexism in the kitchen

Sep 12, 2017
In a new book, Canadian restaurateur Jen Agg recounts growing up in the restaurant industry and why she thinks it can still get better.
Jen Agg.
Jenna Wakani

U.S. automakers and the Trump administration disagree on this part of NAFTA

Aug 21, 2017
The U.S. wants a new rule that would require that a set percentage of each car or auto part come exclusively from the U.S.

A tale of two border businesses

Aug 18, 2017
We spoke to two businesses that depend on trade across the border — with Mexico and with Canada — about what NAFTA negotiations mean to them.
Dancers dressed in traditional costumes protest against NAFTA in Mexico City on August 16. 2017, the first day of NAFTA re-negotiations between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.