What if NAFTA was never created?

Mar 23, 2017
U.S. manufacturing jobs would still be lost to technology and China, economists say.
U.S. President Bill Clinton signs the North American Free Trade Agreement on December 8, 1993.

Did NAFTA cost or create jobs? Both

Mar 22, 2017
It's hard to assess the trade deal's impact. But that doesn't stop anyone from trying.
Economists estimate that NAFTA has raised U.S. GDP by one half to one percentage point. Above, President Donald Trump, who campaigned on keeping jobs in the U.S., speaks to autoworkers in Ypsilanti, Michigan.
Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

Fill in the chart: Before and after NAFTA

Mar 22, 2017
Guess how the U.S. economy has changed since the trade agreement was established.
Arjuna Soriano/Raghu Manavalan/Marketplace

What a baseball game has to do with the NAFTA negotiations

Mar 21, 2017
Carla Hills of the U.S. and Michael Wilson of Canada helped broker what Hills calls the 'premier trade agreement for its time.'
“Thirty-five states in the United States have as their No. 1 export market Canada. Nine million jobs in the United States are dependent on that trade relationship,” said Michael Wilson. He was the minister of trade when he participated in the NAFTA negotiations.

If we're going to talk about NAFTA, we need to talk about your pants

Your blue jeans and the price you paid for them has a lot to do with the North American Free Trade Agreement.
According to the Labor Department, there are just over 100,000 people who work in textiles now and there are just three mills making denim in the U.S.
Wikimedia Commons

Mexico's NAFTA architect on why he doesn't take Trump's critiques personally

Mar 20, 2017
Jaime Serra was part of a trio that put the deal together. And he doesn't take the president's critiques personally.
President Donald Trump has called the North American Free Trade Agreement unfair to American workers. He wants to renegotiate the trade agreement.
SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

Dangerous passage: Refugees in Minnesota risk death to reach Canada

Feb 22, 2017
African asylum seekers are streaming to the border, making a perilous journey that has immigration and security officials worried.
Eric Kuhn, patrol agent in charge for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection station in Pembina, North Dakota, stands for a portrait while on patrol near the Canadian border. Since 2010, the Border Patrol at Pembina has seen an increase in asylum seekers, primarily those who fled African countries, trying to sneak across the border into Canada.
Dan Koeck for MPR News

For public good, not for profit.

On NAFTA, is it Canada to the rescue?

Feb 13, 2017
President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stressed their “profound shared economic interests” as they met for the first time today. At one point in his press conference with Trump, Trudeau said the North American Free Trade Agreement is a real concern for many Canadians because their jobs depend on trade with the […]

A new emissions cap-and-trade program starts up in Canada

Dec 30, 2016
Ontario’s program will connect with California’s and Quebec’s, adding momentum to efforts to combat global warming.

On the Canadian prairie, a basic income experiment

Dec 20, 2016
Canada tested the basic income in Dauphin, Manitoba, in the 1970s.
Dauphin, Manitoba, a small farming town on the Canadian prairie, was the site of a basic income experiment in the 1970's.
Sarah Gardner