Core capital goods spending rose in April, a positive sign for future production

May 27, 2024
The measure, which also increased year over year, tracks big, one-off purchases like machinery for manufacturing.
The core capital goods category tracks big, one-time purchases made by businesses, like machinery.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Demand for manufacturing equipment continues to grow

Mar 1, 2022
Orders for core capital goods hit a 40-year high in January. That’s because demand for manufactured goods is still high.
Manufacturers have been ordering more equipment: things like metalworking tools, power generators, computers.
Phynart Studio / Getty Images

To satisfy demand, manufacturers are on a capital-goods spending spree

Oct 27, 2021
Sales of things like drill presses, electrical equipment and metalworking tools were up for the seventh-straight month in September.
Orders for durable goods hit a record high in September as manufacturers aim to boost production. Above, a manufacturer operates a lathe in Roscoe, Illinois, in 2019.
Scott Olson via Getty Images

Businesses are cutting back their investments

Jan 28, 2020
Capital goods orders in December dropped the most in eight months.
Durable goods, like washing machines, were up in December. But business investment in capital goods is not doing so well.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Companies buy less capital goods

Aug 24, 2011
Capital goods are the things that companies buy to make stuff. Like factories, machinery, tools, equipment, and buildings. Unfortunately, compani...