Five reasons for a self-driving car slowdown

Jan 30, 2018
The self-driving car revolution might take longer than expected. Maybe that's fine.
A Smart Vision EQ Fortwo autonomous electric concept car stands on display at the 2017 Frankfurt Auto Show on Sept. 12, 2017 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

The sticker shock of driver's ed may keep some teens from driving

Jan 26, 2018
There are lots of costs involved in getting a car: insurance, gas, the car itself. And for teens, there’s another cost: driver’s education. According to Kathi Valeii, a Pacific Standard Magazine contributor, this last cost is not insignificant; in Valeii’s home state of Michigan, the various fees that go into driver’s ed for teens can […]

Automakers step up autonomous car plans

Jan 16, 2018
The future of driving may be closer than we thought. General Motors has announced plans to mass produce a fully autonomous car without a steering wheel or pedals in 2019 — if it gets the go-ahead from federal regulators. Ford and other manufacturers aren’t far behind.  Click the audio player above to hear the full […]

A seven-year uphill ride for auto sales has hit the brakes, sort of

Jan 4, 2018
Sales of light trucks keep tears for auto dealers at bay.

An impossible race, and why Italians love this particular shade of red

Dec 12, 2017
In 1907, a small group of automobile enthusiasts wanted to see if it was possible to race from China to France.
A vintage 1963 Ferrari 250 GTO which won the 1963 Le Mans GT race outside Bonham and Brooks auction house in London, 30 October 2000.

Kobe Steel falsified data about the strength of its metals used in planes and cars

Oct 10, 2017
Copper and aluminum from the Tokyo-based company went into products at about 200 companies.

Paris takes steps to become a more pedestrian-friendly city

Oct 2, 2017
As Paris becomes more pedestrian-friendly, suburban commuters who depend on their cars and some businesses raise concerns.
A pedestrian zone in central Paris. The city is taking steps to become more pedestrian friendly.
John Laurenson/ for Marketplace

For public good, not for profit.

German carmakers are slowly heading toward electric vehicles

Sep 28, 2017
Relying on old technology like diesel could prove fatal, an expert says.
Volkswagen is planning to spend 80 billion euros over the next decade on electric, hybrid and autonomous vehicles.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

What happens to abandoned cars

Jul 19, 2017
You've always wondered: Can we use them to pay for better roads?
A tow-truck pulls a vehicle away from a non-parking zone.
Sajjad Hussain/AFP/Getty Images

What it's like to drive an electric vehicle

Jul 7, 2017
It's green, but the infrastructure's not all there yet.
There are new breakthroughs in car batteries, but it will be a little while before electric car companies take notice.