Congress wants more info on cell phone safety

Jun 2, 2011
After the World Health Organization's recent findings about cell phones and it's possible connection to cancer, lawmakers on the Hill are asking...

MIDDAY UPDATE: foreclosure trials, distracted drivers, and haggis

Jan 24, 2011
A federal court in Delaware will hear two cases regarding whether two bankrupt sub-prime mortgage lenders can destroy thousands of boxes of...

MIDDAY UPDATE: Verizon iPhone, Trans Alaska oil pipeline leak

Jan 10, 2011
Tomorrow will be a big day for Verizon Wireless, as the company is expected to announce it soon will offer customers the Apple iPhone. Since the...

MIDDAY UPDATE: Motorola splits and Australian floods

Jan 4, 2011
Today, Motorola calls it "splits" -- dividing up its business into halves based on stability and risk. For years, Motorola stayed afloat by...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Ireland in the spotlight

Nov 22, 2010
Today's big story was Ireland. Yesterday, the country agreed to a bailout from The European Central Bank and the IMF, though the terms and...

MIDDAY UPDATE: Sustainable jobs and cell phones

Oct 27, 2010
This week on Marketplace we'll be following sustainable jobs. Today, we learned about the fastest growing industry in the job field: biomedical...

MID-DAY UPDATE: A power surge for ethanol

Oct 13, 2010
Today, Environmental Protection Agency is expected to announce an increase in the amount of ethanol allowed in gasoline. Will tell you why that...

For public good, not for profit.

New study to track impact of cell phones on health

Apr 23, 2010
Five European countries are launching a new long-term study on the effects of cell phone usage on one's health. The study will follow at least 250...