How "public" is Weibo?

Apr 17, 2014
Weibo goes public on Nasdaq as concerns over censorship remain.

Facebook (sort of) lifts ban on graphic videos

Oct 23, 2013
Nudity is still not okay, though.

When it comes to Tumblr, sex doesn't sell

Jul 24, 2013
Yahoo wants blogging site Tumblr to make money, and to do that, Tumblr needs to weed out pornography.

Who do you trust more with your free speech: The government or tech companies?

May 6, 2013
A secret meeting, a handful of tech CEO's, and the future of your freedom of speech online.

Chinese journalists strike for second day

Jan 8, 2013
Chinese journalists protesting against government censorship hold a second day of strikes in the southern province of Guangdong.

China pulls plug on New York Times websites

Oct 26, 2012
Beijing blocks the New York Times’ English and Chinese-language websites after a report on the riches amassed by the prime minister’s relatives.

Microsoft’s Surface: Will it be worth scratching?

Jun 18, 2012
A forthcoming tablet from the makers of Windows and Xbox offers a built-in keyboard and a lot of things that might remind you of the iPad.

For public good, not for profit.