Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to create prepaid card regulations

May 24, 2012
The new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced this week its efforts to regulate prepaid debit cards. Regulators fear the cards aren’t backed by protections given regular credit card holders.

Student loan debt collectors under the microscope

Mar 26, 2012
Are debt collectors working for the Department of Education letting debtors know their rights? Bloomberg's John Hechinger discusses the rights of borrowers.

Chasing your debt

Mar 9, 2012
More and more, people with outstanding debts are finding themselves in the crosshairs of swarms of collections agencies.

Credit agencies and debt collectors to get federal scrutiny

Feb 16, 2012
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is proposing to add the three major credit bureaus and debt colletion companies to the list of businesses the federal agency can now oversee.

Richard Cordray and the CFPB set to work

Jan 17, 2012
Newly appointed head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Richard Cordray, speaks about the priorities on the table for the organization.

Cordray's plans for the CFPB

Jan 13, 2012
Richard Cordray, chief of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, discusses what powers he'll have and how he plans to use them.
New Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray discusses the top three priorities for his agency.
Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Obama appoints new head of CFPB

Jan 4, 2012
The president plans to use a recess appointment to name Richard Cordray as head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Richard Cordray to head consumer protection bureau

Jan 4, 2012
President Obama bypassed the Senate and appointed Cordray as the head of the CFPB. Yet, legal challenges will likely follow.

Senate Republicans block Cordray nomination to CFPB

Dec 9, 2011
U.S. Senate Republicans blocked former Ohio attorney general Richard Cordray's appointment as director of the CFPB. The new bureau is a centerpiece in the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.