How the child tax credit would change under the House and Senate proposals

Dec 4, 2017
Now that the House and Senate have passed their versions of the tax bill, Republicans are going to start negotiating which items will be included in the final plan. Both the House and Senate would increase the child tax credit and make folks with higher incomes eligible. Critics say lower-income families would be largely left […]

Congressional tax proposals wouldn't do much to help low-income families with children, study says

Nov 30, 2017
Low-income families with young children wouldn’t see a lot of benefit from the House or Senate tax overhauls, according to a new study from the left-leaning Tax Policy Center. It found the tax cut proposals tilt heavily toward middle- and upper-income families. That’s even if the final version of the tax overhaul increases the child […]

Senate makes sunset revisions to tax plan that may not see the light of day

Nov 15, 2017
Latest version would allow individual cuts to expire after 2025.