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Diane Swonk: The Chinese delegation's Chicago visit

Jan 20, 2011
Jeremy Hobson speaks with Diane Swonk, chief economist with Mesirow Financial in Chicago about the Chinese relationship to the Windy City, and Chicago's expectations from the delegate's visit.

China's economic show of force

Jan 19, 2011
Chinese president Hu Jintao's visit to Washington reflects a new economic reality. Chinese companies are going global.

The Twelve Surprising Trends That Will Reshape the Global Economy by Daniel Altman

Jan 19, 2011
We talked to economist Daniel Altman about his latest book "Outrageous Fortunes," where he discusses the trends that he thinks will shape the...

Richard DeKaser: Negotiations between China and U.S. businesses

Jan 19, 2011
During his visit to the United States, President Hu Jintao will be spending time meeting with CEOs of GE and Goldman Sachs, among others American business leaders. Richard DeKaser explains.

MIDDAY UPDATE: Chinese TV ads, debt control and Starbucks app

Jan 19, 2011
President Obama welcomes Chinese President Hu Jintao to the U.S. this week for a state visit. President Hu also will meet with key U.S. corporate...

U.S. businesses see 'impressive financial results' in China

Jan 19, 2011
The political relationship between the U.S. and China may be on the rocks with China's undervalued currency and the trade imbalance. But this relationship doesn't necessarily reflect the opinion of U.S. businesses in China, as Rob Schmitz reports.

Europeans question Chinese motives after bond sales

Jan 19, 2011
Beijing reportedly purchased a substantial amount of bonds from Portugal and Spain as those countries cope with the ongoing debt crisis. But the move has left some Europeans wondering what exactly the Chinese are up to. Stephen Beard explains.

For public good, not for profit.

America turns to China for partnerships in green energy

Jan 18, 2011
American companies will meet with a visiting Chinese delegation to form new partnerships in clean energy. Eve Troeh explains that companies in the U.S. have a lot to learn from Chinese companies.

China achieves new levels of lending

Jan 18, 2011
A Financial Times report says the Chinese lend more to developing countries than the World Bank -- an agency with a mission to lend to developing countries.

Update: Wuxi's Land Grab

Jan 18, 2011
A month ago, I blogged about the case of Ding Hongfen, a woman in the Yangtze Delta city of Wuxi. Her family was forced out of their home to make...