All eyes on China and Europe in 2012

Dec 30, 2011
In the New Year, financial experts will keep a close watch on both the eurozone and China, and their impact on the global economy.

In China, economic summit will focus on domestic growth

Dec 12, 2011
Today in China, leaders will meet for the year's most important economic summit. On the table is the crisis in Europe, the financial problems in the U.S., and what's in store for the domestic economy.

Chinese production slowed in November

Dec 1, 2011
China's economy is slowing down, and it isn't just the debt problems in Europe causing the shift.

Homeless in New York: A Chinese Student's Story of Life After the Agency

Nov 2, 2011
While reporting my story on Chinese college placement agencies, I interviewed a young man named Jason who is attending a university in New York. ...