The market for smokeless tobacco keeps on growing

Jun 17, 2014
After the death of Tony Gwynn, it's a hot topic.

Why CVS is giving up smoking

Feb 5, 2014
It has more to do with healthcare than lung cancer

CVS to stop selling cigarettes and other tobacco by Oct. 1

Feb 5, 2014
The realization that cigarettes and pharmacies are a very odd pairing.

We've come a long way, baby

Jan 8, 2014
50 years ago this week, the Surgeon General of the United States issued a report that linked smoking to lung cancer. A look at how that affected the industry and where we are now.
A woman smokes a cigarette in the pedestrian plaza located in Times Square May 23, 2011 in New York City.
Daniel Barry/Getty Images

China tells party officials to stop smoking in public

Jan 3, 2014
For decades, sharing cigarettes has been common practice for China’s government officials. But president Xi Jinping is cracking down on smoking to revamp the party’s image.

It's baseball all-star (spitting) time

Jul 16, 2013
Spitting is an even longer baseball tradition than the All-Star Game, especially if it's tobacco.

E-cigarettes offer brave new world for smokers and cigarette makers

Jun 11, 2013
E-cigarette sales are still only a fraction of the total cigarette market. But that share is growing steadily -- tobacco companies and others are taking notice.

For public good, not for profit.

E-cigarette business boom creates smoker's dilemma

Jun 11, 2013
E-cigarette sales are booming. But some customers are still conflicted about smoking them, even though they lack the health and environmental hazards of tobacco.
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Meet Snus and e-cigarettes, the tobacco industry's new growth areas

Apr 24, 2013
While cigarette usage has dropped, profits for the tobacco industry are expected to be up.

Help wanted: No smokers need apply (Map)

Apr 17, 2013
In many states, it is perfectly legal to not hire someone who smokes. Should employers also be able to weed out junk-food lovers or motorcyclists -- or anyone who wants to have a baby?