Cities that rely heavily on tourism hit hardest by COVID-19 job losses

Jun 5, 2020
April figures show communities that rely on manufacturing are also hurt by job losses, but they may see improvement more quickly.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Mario Tama/Getty Images

Economic growth for U.S. cities will depend on mix of industries

Dec 23, 2019
Oxford Economics says San Francisco will see the fastest economic growth over the next two years among U.S. cities, thanks to its strength in the tech sector.
San Francisco is projected to grow at an average of 2.4% over the next two years thanks to its strength in the tech sector.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Did your town make this list of best-performing cities?

Jan 24, 2019
The Milken Institute's annual ranking is out. What are these cities doing right?
Provo, Utah topped the Milken Institute's Best-Performing Cities list.
DenisTangneyJr/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Detroit's new urban farms bring change and raise questions

Mar 27, 2018
Since 2016 Detroit has gained more than 22 new large scale gardens and farms. As these new farmers put down roots, some wonder what the future of urban agriculture will look like there.
Paige Pfleger/ for Marketplace

Cities increasingly turn to fee increases to raise revenue

Mar 19, 2018
Cash-strapped American cities are increasingly asking their residents to pay higher amounts for mundane services as they struggle to pay for mounting pension obligations, cover costly infrastructure improvements and replace revenue depleted by the last recession. Bills are rising for everything from parking tickets and 911 calls to sewer service and trash pickup. Click the […]

The high cost of constructing affordable housing

Aug 19, 2016
Developers don't make money on them, so they aren't getting built.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Report finds 'staggering' inequities in urban schools

Oct 7, 2015
First citywide look at schools paints bleak picture.

Detroit: Then and Now

Sep 17, 2015
A new book looks at how Motor City shaped American culture.
David Maraniss in front of the home in which he spent the first six years of his life. It's now a pile of rubble.
Tommy Andres/Marketplace

Skid Row storage helps put order in lives of homeless

Jun 26, 2015
A safe, clean place for belongings is critical to getting and keeping work.