Stories Tagged as
Climate change
What can be expected from the U.N. climate conference
Scott Tong
Nov 28, 2011
United Nations delegates are meeting in Durban, South Africa, to discuss the global regulations for energy usage. Last time, negotiators couldn't agree on how to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Will anything change this time?
Report: More extreme weather on the way
Nov 18, 2011
A report out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says we can expect hotter summers and more extreme weather events in the coming years.
Screwed up environment might cause space aliens to kill us more
John Moe
Aug 19, 2011
So make sure you recycle! According to a report coming out of NASA for some reason, we might be more likely to face hostile space aliens because of...
Promoting Climate Change: Hits and Misses
Adriene Hill
Feb 7, 2011
If you heard my story today on Marketplace, you know there's some debate over exactly what sort of messaging is best suited to climate change. Co...
MID-DAY UPDATE: Private sector jobs grow, Obama goes to India and grading the "grader"
Nov 5, 2010
With 151,000 jobs added to the economy in October, we examine where the strongest growth took place. Good news for investors, the Federal Reserve...
Chatbot takes on critics of climate change
John Moe
Nov 3, 2010
Nigel Leck was sick of all the people on Twitter arguing that global warming isn't real. So, he made a program that would scan Twitter every five...
MID-DAY UPDATE: Why should you stress about Europe's banks?
Bill Radke
Jul 23, 2010
*The Mid-Day Update is a five-day-a-week podcast from the Marketplace Morning Report co-hosted by Bill Radke and Steve Chiotakis that wraps up the...
For public good, not for profit.
How will climate scientist Stephen Schneider be remembered?
Adriene Hill
Jul 20, 2010
Climate change expert Stephen Schneider died yesterday in London. He was 65....
Talk about strange bedfellows: Dow Chemical & Greenpeace on cap and trade
Jim Nicolow
Jul 14, 2009
We've had Dow Chemical in the Greenwash Brigade's crosshairs in the past, so climate change skeptics chew on this: Greenpeace AND Dow Chemical are...
What does climate change denial look like? A pig in a tux.
Jim Nicolow
Mar 18, 2009
Though their mission ironically embraces "sustainable development," the Commercial Real Estate Development Association (NAIOP) is trying to...