Caffeine: America's addictive drug of choice

Mar 12, 2014
Journalist Murray Carpenter goes inside the big business of caffeine in his new book, "Caffeinated: How our daily habit helps, hurts, and hooks us."

It's March. Do you know how much coffee you're drinking?

Feb 28, 2014
Marketplace Datebook for the first week of March 2014

Why would you want to brew your own Coke?

Feb 6, 2014
Coca-Cola's partnership with Green Mountain Coffee-- the K-cup people-- promises the power to make pop at home. And that's a big deal, why?

Coffee prices are down, but your latte's still expensive. Here's why.

Feb 3, 2014
When commodity prices go up, retail prices generally do too. When commodity prices go down, retail prices... seem to stay the same. What's going on?
Cupping is tasting different coffees. At Joe Coffee, Matt Banbury and Ed Kaufmann taste the coffee a couple of times per day. 
Stacey Vanek Smith

Coffee's cheap right now, and you should be worried

Jan 27, 2014
Coffee prices are near historic lows, but consumers aren't seeing the we're not seeing that's just setting us up for high prices.
In the last 3 years coffee prices have gone from near-historic highs in 2011 to near historic lows today.
Stacey Vanek Smith

Starbucks red cups runneth over with holiday cheer (and wide profit margins)

Nov 1, 2013
The holiday season is lucrative for Starbucks -- because of the flavored drinks sold in those red cups.

Starbucks' trademarks the 'Fizzio'

Oct 14, 2013
Ad Age is reporting that Starbucks has made a trademark filing for the the word.

For public good, not for profit.

Free coffee this weekend: Coffee lovers rejoice!

Sep 27, 2013
Sunday is National Coffee Day and popular coffee shops are offering complimentary caffeine. Here's a list.

Vietnam getting a boost from its coffee

Sep 2, 2013
But some worry that with commodity prices falling, relying so heavily on agriculture is a risk.

Starbucks coffee isn't as strong as you think

Aug 22, 2013
Coffee snobs might want to take their french press and find another article to read.