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Which areas will see cuts under Trump's budget?

Mar 16, 2017
One big winner: people who want to see a smaller government.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Republican-controlled Congress to hit its first debt ceiling this week

Mar 13, 2017
President Donald Trump is set to release a so-called “skinny budget” this week. However, Congress has a more pressing money issue. On Wednesday, we bump up against the debt ceiling. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

A public-private approach to improving infrastructure

Mar 9, 2017
Washington lawmakers differ on many issues but agree on the need to improve infrastructure here in the U.S. The American Society of Civil Engineers, in its annual report card today, gave America a D+ in overall infrastructure — roads, bridges, levies and the like. President Donald Trump has promised to improve that infrastructure and says […]

Here are the economic highlights from Trump's first address to Congress

Mar 1, 2017
On the economic agenda: infrastructure, Obamacare and taxes.
U.S. President Donald Trump addresses a joint session of Congress on Tuesday.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

Trump’s spending plan isn’t all that new

Feb 27, 2017
In his speech to a joint session of Congress tomorrow night, President Donald Trump will outline his approach to budgeting: a big boost to defense spending and no cuts to entitlements like Medicaid or Social Security. That means reductions for domestic programs. But Trump’s budget proposal really changes very little about the nation’s federal spending […]

How small is too big to fail?

Feb 16, 2017
President Donald Trump has said he wants to roll back much of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law that Congress passed after the financial crisis. Smaller regional banks have honed in on one part of Dodd-Frank they would like to change: the rule on how big a bank has to be for it to be considered […]

For public good, not for profit.

What Trump's border tax could mean for retail companies like Target

Feb 15, 2017
Chief executives of some of America’s largest retailers will meet with President Donald Trump today to talk about job creation and the economy. They’re also bending the ears of members of Congress to express opposition to a possible border adjustment tax, which is part of a House Republican blueprint for tax reform. The proposal would, […]

Uber dominates market for business travelers

Jan 26, 2017
Uber is now the most-expensed vendor by corporate travelers, according to Certify, an expense management software company. But while Uber has gained popularity with the business set, taxis aren’t giving up yet.  Click the above audio player to hear the full story.

Why Bill Gates thinks alternative energy research has bipartisan support

Dec 13, 2016
Gates also spoke to us about the future of energy innovation and clean tech.
Bill Gates speaks during Forbes' Philanthropy Summit Awards dinner last year in New York City.
Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images