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Georgia ready to roll on many transportation projects

Jan 8, 2016
State officials breathe a sigh of relief for $300 billion transportation law.

Why the 'Cadillac Tax' is such a tough pill to swallow

Dec 11, 2015
A tax on high-cost health plans may be delayed past its 2018 implementation date.

New law updates guidelines for space industry

Nov 27, 2015
New law permits American companies to keep materials they mine in space.

Asteroid mining not so far in the future

Nov 19, 2015
Congress recently passed a bill setting out guidelines for mining in space.

Obama threatens veto on new refugee requirements

Nov 18, 2015
The legislation calls for increased scrutiny of Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

Budget deal brings certainty, for a few years anyway

Oct 30, 2015
Explaining what that means in the public and private sectors.

For public good, not for profit.

The Export-Import Bank gets a congressional reprieve

Oct 28, 2015
But why was this small agency that doesn't cost the government anything a target?

The temporary funding patch pattern in Congress

Oct 21, 2015
Congress and the president will continue going around and around.

Software and social media to grab Congress' attention

Oct 14, 2015
Digital comments can quickly 'move the needle' for members of Congress.
James Pollack, legislative correspondent for Congresswoman Jackie Speier, uses a software program to sort through the emails from constituents, and says the office gets back to each contact in about two weeks. 
Kimberly Adams/Marketplace