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What congressional uncertainty means for the economy

Oct 8, 2015
The race for speaker comes at a time of budget and debt-limit decisions.

Short-term funding leads to long-term problems

Sep 30, 2015
Uncertainty can be expensive.

How Congress solved one problem but created another

Sep 28, 2015
It's a glimpse into how people make money off of piecemeal solutions.

Veterans, abortion and DC’s broken business model

Sep 24, 2015
To keep the government running, a bill becomes a legislative vehicle.

What we know about paid sick leave

Sep 8, 2015
Dozens of places in the U.S. require it. What does their experience show?

Congress weighing stronger FDA rules on e-cigs

Aug 5, 2015
In the meantime, some communities have made their own regulations.

Trade negotiations continue in Hawaii

Jul 29, 2015
There's pressure to wrap it up by Friday.

For public good, not for profit.

Some gay veterans get fewer benefits

Jun 8, 2015
The VA can only recognize same-sex marriages in states where it's legal.

Writing your way to the White House

May 14, 2015
The campaign book has become a rite of passage for presidential hopefuls.

What's in a $12 minimum wage?

Apr 24, 2015
A proposal is expected next week to increase the federal minimum wage to $12.