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House changes how bills are evaluated

Jan 8, 2015
"Dynamic scoring" of bills sounds boring, but it’s actually a big deal.

Weekly Wrap: Comsumers, Congress and commodities

Dec 12, 2014
A discussion of highlights from the week's news.

Why D.C. is up in arms about derivatives ... again

Dec 11, 2014
On the spending bill chopping block: A section of the Dodd-Frank Regulatory Reform bill. So what does it do exactly?

Congress' long to-do list may make it more productive

Dec 8, 2014
Lame-duck sessions of Congress are shouldering more of the workload.

Why temporary tax breaks remain temporary

Dec 3, 2014
Money, and an inability to compromise.

Congress’ latest fiscal buzzword: ‘Cromnibus’

Dec 1, 2014
Hybrid word combines “omnibus” spending bill and a continuing resolution, or “CR” – two funding stopgaps.

Avoiding the 'regulatory capture' trap

Nov 21, 2014
The Senate grills the president of the New York Fed about perceived coziness with the banks and people it oversees.

For public good, not for profit.

Even congressmen get hazed

Nov 12, 2014
Congress is back in session on Wednesday after the mid-term elections.
Flowers are in bloom as people walk past the U.S. Capitol building. 
(Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

The new common ground for Congress: trade

Nov 5, 2014
More on the two major trade deals being negotiated by the Obama Administration.

Lame duck Congress still has plenty to do

Nov 5, 2014
The government must pass a spending bill by mid-December.