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Going to Plan B when jobless benefits get cut off

Jan 14, 2014
For one woman looking for work, unemployment benefits kept certain career options. With Congress not extending benefits, a new plan is in order.

For first time, most of Congress is worth more than $1 million

Jan 9, 2014
A report shows that more than half of Congress members are millionaires.

The 'freeloader argument' and jobless benefits

Jan 7, 2014
A deal to reinstate unemployment insurance is working its way through Congress, but would it mean that people on unemployment would just take a few months longer to find a job?

With the budget settled, what's Congress going to do next week?

Jan 1, 2014
Congress will return to the New Year without needing to fight about the budget. Will they take the opportunity to deal with other issues?

'Breathing room' in Congress? Don't hold your breath

Dec 17, 2013
There are plenty of issues that still need to be dealt with before any grand bargain -- everything from the Farm Bill to unemployment insurance to the debt limit.

How will the budget deal ease sequestration?

Dec 13, 2013
The House of Representatives has passed a budget agreement aimed at avoiding another government shutdown. How will it affect the sequestration?

So, what happens -- and to whom -- if Congress doesn't extend unemployment benefits?

Dec 13, 2013
1.3 million people take an immediate hit, but that number would go up throughout the year.

For public good, not for profit.

Mish-mash of tax credits about to expire

Dec 13, 2013
This story about 55 tax breaks about to expire starts in an unlikely place: Barn 63 at the Belmont Race Track in Belmont, N.Y., at the stall of a pretty brown horse with a white star on her forehead.

Steel manufacturing going strong

Dec 11, 2013
Steel industry is picking up post-government shutdown.

As budget deadline approaches, a temptation to hit snooze

Dec 9, 2013
Think of the U.S. Congress as a procrastinating undergrad, prone to sleeping in. Lawmakers don’t hesitate to hit the “snooze button.”