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What the heck is Bitcoin? Congress wants to know, too

Nov 18, 2013
A virtual currency like Bitcoin has benefits to its users, including secrecy. Congress wants to understand its advantages and its security concerns.

What a week: Digesting the end of the shutdown

Oct 18, 2013
John Carney and Nela Richardson join the show to wrap up a tumultuous week in Washington.

Advice for Congress, from Congress

Oct 18, 2013
More than 20 Senators and seven Representatives have begun work on a compromise budget that liberals and conservatives can live with, before new sequester cuts hit in January. A supercommittee was what created the sequester impasse in the first place, what will be different this time around?

Instability in Washington causes uncertainty on Wall Street

Oct 15, 2013
Whether or not Congress raises the debt ceiling in time, we may be headed for another economic slowdown.

As deadline nears, debt ceiling fight drags on

Oct 15, 2013
The clock is ticking, but Congressional leaders have yet to reach an agreement.

The clock is ticking and still no debt deal

Oct 14, 2013
Lawmakers in Washington have until Thursday to raise the debt ceiling.

Markets thrilled with possible debt limit deal

Oct 10, 2013
Some House Republicans are inching toward a debt ceiling deal.

For public good, not for profit.

Government shutdown causes problems online too

Oct 1, 2013
The shutdown is causing many federal agencies -- and their websites -- to close down.

Why the shutdown won't save money: Fights in 90s cost $1.5B

Sep 30, 2013
Democrats and Republicans appear unable to reach common ground on a budget before the government shuts down.