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Congress nears stop-gap spending measure

Sep 12, 2012
But six-month extension leaves government agencies unsure how to plan.

Congress returns from summer break

Sep 10, 2012
Despite the looming "fiscal cliff" and an expiring farm bill, don't expect a lot of action on Capitol Hill.

Who are the 50 wealthiest members of Congress?

Aug 21, 2012
Did your lawmaker make the list? Check out the full list of the 50 richest members of Congress compiled using data from the Washington publication "The Hill."

Former Congressional staffer on how money divides politics

Aug 6, 2012
Former Republican staff member Mike Lofgren explains how money has taken over the political system in America and what we can do about it.

What is the cost of a House vote?

Jul 11, 2012
Congress votes on repealing Obamacare for the 33rd time. Are symbolic votes worth the cost to taxpayers?

House report links Countrywide, Congress

Jul 5, 2012
The home lender Countrywide gave preferential treatment to members of Congress, their staffs and employees of Fannie Mae in order to win influence in government, according to a long-awaited review by a House committee.

How the U.S. can fix its political infighting

Jun 26, 2012
By taking a note from our neighbors in Great Britain. Freakonomics' Stephen Dubner explains why he thinks U.S. Congress should borrow the U.K. tradition of the Prime Minister's Question Time.

For public good, not for profit.

Congress to decide on transportation bill, student loan rates

Jun 25, 2012
House lawmakers have until the end of the week to deal with two big economic issues. One is a two year transportation funding bill that puts about three million jobs at stake. The other is how to keep student loan interest rates from doubling for millions of new borrowers.

Congress makes new financial disclosures

Jun 15, 2012
Annual disclosure forms show investments, liabilities, and other sources of income. This week's filings were the last before a broader new rule goes into effect.

What's not getting done in Washington

May 29, 2012
There's a long list of legislative issues on hold. Blame the upcoming election.