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Congress begins budget battle over automatic cuts to Pentagon spending

May 7, 2012
Here's a phrase you'll begin to hear a lot in Congress: sequestered cuts. Today, the House begins debate on how to deal with the debt crisis.

STOCK Act becomes law

Apr 4, 2012
Today President Obama will sign the STOCK Act -- short for “Stop Trading On Congressional Knowledge.” It says Capitol Hill finally has to follow the same insider trading rules as everybody else.

Transportation construction could grind to a halt

Mar 29, 2012
Construction on roads and bridges around the country could grind to a halt this weekend, and over a million jobs could be at risk.

Rubber not meeting the road on highway bill

Mar 28, 2012
The highway bill is in a standoff in the House, threatening highway projects if an agreement can't be reached by this weekend.

Congress agrees on insider trading ban... for themselves

Mar 23, 2012
Washington leaders have passed a bill that bans members of Congress from trading stocks based on non-public information, and President Obama says he will sign it.

Funding cuts stall long-term transportation projects

Mar 12, 2012
The Senate is likely to pass an extension of the federal transportation spending bill this week. But it will only fund highway and transit projects for two years. Most generally take five years.

For public good, not for profit.

Rep. Spencer Bachus faces insider trading allegations

Feb 10, 2012
In the midst of debates that could potentially tighten the rules on insider trading in Washington, the head of the House Financial Services Committee faces serious allegations.

House GOP introduces version of insider trading bill

Feb 8, 2012
Republicans in the House of Representatives have introduced their version of an anti-insider trading bill. The version that passed the Senate had provisions that focused specifically on those who traffic in 'political intelligence.'

Congress considers rules about child labor on farms

Feb 2, 2012
The government was set to impose new rules limiting the work kids are allowed to do on farms, but those rules are being reconsidered after an outcry from farmers.