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Alterna-SOPA to be announced today?

Dec 8, 2011
A new anti-piracy bill is being introduced in congress today as an alternative to the Stop Online Piracy Act, says CNET’s Declan McCulloch. SOPA has received a lot of criticism since it was first introduced a few weeks ago. Free speech advocates didn’t like how the anti-piracy bill would lead to the take down of […]

Congressional gridlock could be good

Nov 29, 2011
If Congress doesn't do much this year, lets automatic cuts of $1.2 trillion kick in and the Bush tax cuts expire, that cuts $5 trillion from the deficit within a decade.

U.S. debt downgrade possible, but it won't be a surprise

Nov 18, 2011
We speak to David Kelly of JP Morgan Funds about what he thinks the possible outcome of the super committee stand-off could be.

SOPA gets a hearing

Nov 14, 2011
The controversial Stop Online Piracy Act or SOPA will be the sole subject of a House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. SOPA is the House version of the Senate’s Protect IP act which got strangled by Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) who echoed the views of many in the tech industry that the measure gave law enforcement far too much power in shutting down websites that are suspected of trafficking in unlicensed content...

House Democrats urge settlement on AT&T-Mobile

Sep 16, 2011
15 Democrats in the House have sent a letter to President Obama urging the administration to find some way to make the proposed Big Acquisition go...

For public good, not for profit.

New data security bill introduced in the Senate

Jul 29, 2011
I'm not sure how anyone in Congress has any time to do anything but try to figure out how to get a debt crisis deal done, but apparently, they do....

NSA & cell phone tracking

Jul 27, 2011
This guy say you don't need to join a hacker collective before federal agents can follow your trail in cyber space....

Game On!

Jul 26, 2011
Google searches about NFL teams and tickets spiked today after the league's owners and players came to an agreement to end the lockout. ...