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More privacy hearings in Washington

May 17, 2011
Sounding like a broken record here, I know. Last week it was a Senate Judiciary subcommittee holding hearings on what Apple and Google were doing...

Do Not Track Kids bill

May 6, 2011
Reps. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Joe Barton (R-Texas) are releasing a draft bill today called the Do Not Track Kids Act of 2011. From The Hill: ...

California advances Do Not Track

May 5, 2011
While Congress hems and haws about privacy legislation, California is moving forward on a bill that would be, if passed, the first Do Not Track...

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) sends a letter to China

May 5, 2011
Durbin sent the letter to Baidu - China's big search engine. The Senator is concerned about Baidu's censorship of search results and a possible...

Markey and Barton turn their focus to third party app developers

Apr 29, 2011
The Congressmen released responses from the big telecoms yesterday in which the carriers explained their consumer data collection practices. All...

Your computer is watching you too

Apr 27, 2011
It's not just your phones. Today, the Wall Street Journal reports "Apple gathers information from some Apple Macintosh computers connected to Wi-Fi...

Online security plan announcement today

Apr 15, 2011
Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt and Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) will hold an announcement...

For public good, not for profit.

Internet freedom money on the chopping block

Apr 14, 2011
One of the things that got cut as Congress sought to reach a deal on the budget is a pot of money in the State Department to help promote Internet...

Privacy bill hits the house

Apr 14, 2011
Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) introduced a privacy bill on Wednesday - a day after Sens. Kerry and McCain introduced their online privacy bill. In a...

Bill will stop tax-free online purchases

Apr 12, 2011
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is expected to introduce a bill after tax day that would change how you buy stuff over the Internet. The bill is called...