How did the job market fare in December?

Jan 5, 2012
The government's jobless data for December comes out Friday. Gallup has its own unemployment measures. Here's a preview.

U.S. manufacturing expands

Jan 3, 2012
According to the Institute for Supply Management, in December a key indicator of manufacturing health was at a six-month high.

Feel-good end to 2012

Dec 27, 2011
Two surveys out today have spenders and scholars upbeat about the health of the U.S. economy, for now at least.

Attitude Check: Consumers spending more for Christmas

Dec 21, 2011
The latest data from Gallup show that people are feeling better about the economy this holiday season, but worse about the U.S. government.

Americans purchase more even as net worth shrinks

Dec 9, 2011
From July to September, American families purchased more, even as their net worth shrank faster than it has at any time since the worst of the financial crisis.

The could-be-worse economy

Nov 29, 2011
The monthly consumer confidence number came out today and it was up -- way up -- from last month. On a scale of 100, the November number was 56, compared with October's 41. That's the biggest one-month jump since 2003.

MIDDAY UPDATE: Consumer Confidence and Case Shiller

Dec 28, 2010
This morning we had two important indexes released: Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index and the Case Shiller index of home values. Despite...

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