Paula Deen buys back rights to her Food Network show

Sep 24, 2014
A look at how Deen is attempting to rebuild her brand and her chances of success.

Want to shop like a pro? Buy generic

Jul 25, 2014
A new study says chefs, pharmacists and other professionals prefer generic goods.

Trim the fat from your food budget

May 16, 2014
Meal planning and reducing food waste are the biggest steps toward getting your grocery budget under control.

An economic turkey throwdown

Nov 28, 2013
You may know former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker as the guy who tamed inflation, but apparently, he cooks a mean Thanksgiving turkey.

Talking turkey with a techie

Nov 27, 2013
Scott Heimendinger of the Modernist Cuisine cookbooks talks Thanksgiving and Modernist Cuisine's new cookbook app with Marketplace Tech.

In France, resistance to restaurants' ready-made meals

Jul 5, 2013
Lawmakers in France's lower house have voted to ban restaurants from passing off dishes cooked off-site as freshly prepared on the premises.

Culinary Institute of America students turn up the heat, walk out because of falling standards

Apr 24, 2013
Students at Culinary Institute of America, one of the nation's top cooking schools, say their degrees are being devalued by slipping standards.

For public good, not for profit.

Michael Pollan wants you to cook

Apr 23, 2013
In his latest book, Michael Pollan emphasizes economic and health benefits of cooking.

Piggy for a frugal valentine

Feb 24, 2012
Our plastic porcine pal heads to Wisconsin this week, to the home of a man who cooked his way to his wife's heart on Valentine's Day.
Markus Mitterauer