Credit card companies see big opportunity in small business spending

May 17, 2024
Small business spending has been fairly slow recently, according to American Express. But credit card companies see a lot of potential in the market.
The competition for business owners’ wallets has been heating up, despite today’s subdued spending environment.
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As consumers pay off credit card debt, banks are likely to offer credit incentives

Jun 1, 2021
Banks are already stepping up marketing campaigns to try to get more consumers to use their services.
Since people have been good about paying off their balances, consumers’ credit scores have improved, says Andrew Davidson, who follows credit cards at Comperemedia.
AsiaVision via Getty Images

Why credit card limits could rise this year

Feb 26, 2021
Lenders aren't quite as nervous about consumer finances anymore, and they're anticipating a boom in consumer spending.
Credit card companies hope that increased credit limits will create more outstanding balances, meaning more revenue for them.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Should credit card companies tackle gun sales?

Feb 20, 2018
Andrew Ross Sorkin had an interesting column in the New York Times yesterday — a business and economic take on how to make mass shootings less common. PayPal and Square, Sorkin pointed out, decided years ago not to let people use their services to buy guns. What about Mastercard and Visa, he wondered. Or the […]