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Will SEC exercise new reform powers?

Aug 9, 2010
Provisions in the financial regulatory reforms could encourage huge numbers of new cases against companies. The provisions let the SEC give big financial payouts to whistle blowers whose info leads to successful enforcement action. Alisa Roth reports the agency's also making more use of the tools it already had.

Susan G. Komen fights for trademark

Aug 5, 2010
Susan G. Komen For the Cure, the breast cancer charity, has warned several other charities to stay away from its trademarked phrase: "Race for the Cure." And watch out if you use the color pink. Janet Babin reports.

Intel antitrust settlement will change how it prices, markets chips

Aug 4, 2010
Intel has settled a major antitrust case with the Federal Trade Commission which could lead to lower prices and more innovation going forward.

Illegal immigrant 'snitches' use up 10,000 visas in crime-assistance

Aug 3, 2010
Illegal immigrants who report being the victim of a major crime can get working papers to cooperate with police. This year, enough illegal immigrants reported crimes to use up all 10,000 allotted visa slots.

Slow Indian court system serves delayed justice

Jul 27, 2010
India's court system is backlogged with a deluge of cases. But a new record-keeping database may provide some hope for speeding up the country's justice system.

Speed cameras: Good or bad?

Jul 16, 2010
Arizona shut down the speed cameras that patrolled some of the state's roads -- were they a success or a failure? Depends on who you ask.

Avandia may change how FDA operates

Jul 12, 2010
Marketplace's Gregory Warner looks into what it could mean for the Food and Drug Administration's image and also the way the organization analyzes drugs for approval or disapproval.

For public good, not for profit.

U.K. Facebook's 'panic button' could spark change to U.S. site

Jul 12, 2010
Facebook's new "panic button" will allow users on the British site to report suspicious behavior to the police. The move could spark a change to the Facebook's U.S. portal.

Somali pirates hold 400 hostage

Jul 8, 2010
Somali pirates are holding an estimated 400 people hostage. Dozens of global Navies have tried to stop them. A small number have been caught and are being tried in Africa. Steve Chiotakis and the BBC's Simon Cox looks at how the problem is being tackled.

Drug gangs moved money via Wachovia

Jun 29, 2010
Mike Smith, Latin America correspondent for Bloomberg Markets magazine, talks with Steve Chiotakis about an article he wrote that reveals which U.S. banks helped move money to drug cartels in Mexico.