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U.S. settles Indian trust lawsuit

Dec 8, 2009
The U.S. government is settling a trust lawsuit with Native Americans for $3.4 billion. John Dimsdale reports.

SC could scale back anti-corruption law

Dec 8, 2009
The Supreme Court is mulling over whether to scale back or strike down an anti-corruption law. Supporters of the law say it's valuable against corruption cases, while critics say the law is too vague. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Supreme Court to decide on reform act

Dec 4, 2009
Capitol Hill lawmakers considering new regulations for the financial industry will be watching the Supreme Court on Monday as it hears arguments in a case about the last, big financial reform law known as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. John Dimsdale reports.

Court delves into Florida beach dispute

Dec 1, 2009
A group of homeowners in Florida have sued state and county officials for a beach renovation project they say has deprived them of their property rights. Steve Henn reports.

Lawyer's death raises tax fraud issues

Nov 30, 2009
The recent death of a Moscow lawyer has caused an outcry in Russia and the U.K. The lawyer was working for a British investment firm and claimed to have evidence that Russian officials perpetrated a massive tax fraud. Stephen Beard reports.

Will NYC charity fraud hurt donations?

Nov 25, 2009
New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced that well-known charity the United Homeless Organization is a fraud. The news could have a chilling effect on donations to legitimate groups. Amy Scott reports.

Bank robbers prefer laptops to guns

Nov 11, 2009
The Justice Department has indicted eight computer hackers who prosecutors say pulled off a global ATM heist last year. Jeremy Hobson explores the modern age of bank robbery and the more commonplace presence of digital financial fraud.

For public good, not for profit.

Gov't loses criminal financial-crisis case

Nov 11, 2009
Two former Bear Stearns hedge-fund managers have been found not guilty of lying to investors. Reporter Nancy Marshall Genzer talks with Steve Chiotakis about what this means for prosecutors pursuing charges against other Wall Street execs.

Dodd's reform bill offers safeguards

Nov 10, 2009
Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd has released his 1,136-page reform bill. Among its many proposals are tighter rules on Wall Street and a unified banking regulator. Steve Henn reports.

Madoff investors may get some money

Nov 10, 2009
Former investors in Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme could potentially get some of their money back. Reporter Nancy Marshall Genzer talks the details with Steve Chiotakis.