Is E-Verify too demanding on business?

Sep 4, 2009
Federal contractors will soon be required to use the E-Verify system to confirm their employees' eligibility to work in the U.S. Jeff Tyler reports.

Ratings agencies lose free-speech claim

Sep 3, 2009
A federal judge has ruled that two credit-rating agencies can't stand behind free-speech protection and must defend themselves in a fraud lawsuit. Bob Moon reports.

Villagers, China clash in poison case

Sep 3, 2009
Village parents in China's Hunan province are being detained after protesting the government's reneging of payments owed to families through a public children's lead poisoning case. Scott Tong reports how the government is trying to discredit parents.

Off-label marketing costs Pfizer

Sep 2, 2009
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer will pay $2.3 billion to settle charges that it illegally promoted pills for uses not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Tamara Keith reports on the down sides to off-label marketing.

Why banks want to see your pretty face

Sep 1, 2009
If some banks have their way, you may not be able to wear hats or sunglasses when making a deposit. Why? David Martin Davies reports.

Olmert fraud charges could mean jail

Aug 31, 2009
An U.S. businessman is at the center of a corruption scandal that could land former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert in jail. It's the first time in Israel's history a prime minister has faced criminal charges. Daniel Estrin reports.

Signs of a U.S. boycott in Scotland?

Aug 24, 2009
European correspondent Stephen Beard talks with Bill Radke about the release of Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, who was convicted of bombing a Pan Am flight over Scotland in 1988, and whether the Scots are worried about an American boycott.

For public good, not for profit.

Peering into the world of credit hackers

Aug 21, 2009
Ever wonder how hackers do it? Break into your private credit card accounts, spending money on your dime? Marketplace blogger Scott Jagow takes a closer look at a hacker's world.

Settlement could unlock bank secrecy

Aug 19, 2009
An agreement reached between the U.S. and Switzerland over secret American accounts held at the Swiss bank UBS may open the way for revelations of tax evasion at other banks. John Dimsdale reports.

The high and low of how hemp is used

Aug 19, 2009
Oregon recently joined a handful of states that allow farmers to grow hemp. Cash Peters reports on how businesses are turning to the alternative product and the stigma attached to it.