Why the hold up in SEC-B of A case?

Aug 11, 2009
Reporter Tamara Keith talks with Steve Chiotakis about why a judge is still refusing to sign off on a $33 million settlement between the SEC and Bank of America, and what's next in the case.

Texas programs cut down prison costs

Aug 11, 2009
As states struggle to cut their budgets, one place to look is prisons. Texas has saved money by changing its incarceration policy, but other states may not be able to follow the same model. Michael May reports.

Regulations next if you drive and text?

Aug 5, 2009
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood will be looking into the possibility of federal regulations to cut down on texting while driving. Jeremy Hobson reports.

GE settles fraud suit for $50 million

Aug 4, 2009
General Electric is paying the SEC $50 million to settle a fraud suit alleging that GE reported false accounting numbers seven years ago. Amy Scott reports on why the investigation took so long.

What a patent for podcasts means

Jul 30, 2009
VoloMedia has been granted a patent for podcasting. How might this affect podcasters? Jill Barshay reports.

City cameras draw ethical insecurity

Jul 30, 2009
To combat their city's high crime rate, businesses in Lancaster, Penn. raised capital to install and operate an elaborate security network. But some worry about giving control of the cameras to a non-police entity. Joel Rose reports.

Ruth Madoff sued over husband's cash

Jul 30, 2009
The wife of convicted Ponzi-schemer Bernie Madoff is being sued for millions acquired from her husband's investment firm. She's the first of Madoff's family to be sued over his case. Mitchell Hartman has more details.

For public good, not for profit.

Winning is key to Vick's redemption

Jul 28, 2009
Michael Vick has been conditionally reinstated into the NFL, meaning he may play this season, if a team signs him. Sports Illustrated's L. Jon Wertheim says any team that picks Vick will have to tread lightly and follow a few precision P.R. plays.

Opium doesn't need to be high priority

Jul 22, 2009
The White House wants to cork the opium trade in Afghanistan by paying farmers not to grow it. Is this realistic? Bill Radke talks to Jacob Townsend with the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime in Kabul.

Deutsche Bank accused of spy tactics

Jul 21, 2009
A case against Deutsche Bank claims the bank spied on a couple of its most severe critics. The bank allegedly tried to find out information using a microphone hidden in a set of flowers. Bill Radke talks to European correspondent Stephen Beard.