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Dude, where's my bike?

Jan 27, 2012
Journalist Patrick Symmes had a bicycle. Then it got stolen. So he got another bike, and that got stolen, too. He discusses his journey delving into the underground economy of stolen bikes.

What Now: The crime economy

Jan 6, 2012
Reforming our prison system may, in fact, help the country grow -- economically.

In the English countryside, no sheep is safe

Dec 26, 2011
More than 60,000 sheep have gone missing in the UK this year - three times the usual number - as the rising price of Lamb presents opportunity for thieves.

Crime down, FBI says

Dec 19, 2011
According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, wrongdoing continues to drop.

Freakonomics: Why crime continues to fall during a bad economy

Oct 4, 2011
Conventional wisdom says a bad economy leads to increased crime. But Freakonomics Radio's Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt tell us why that's not true.

Chinese counterfeiters churn out fake U.S. IDs

Sep 20, 2011
High-quality printing plants have been making knock-off cigarettes and over-the-counter drugs for years, and are now getting into state drivers licenses. Customs officials have seized thousands.

County treasurer: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac owe back taxes

Jul 20, 2011
Treasurer in Oakland County, Mich., sues the mortgage giants, claiming they owe millions in taxes on foreclosed properties. Fannie and Freddie claim they're exempt because they're government entities. But are they really?

For public good, not for profit.

Mesa, Ariz., says some stores are too convenient for criminals

Jul 13, 2011
The Arizona city wants to cut crime at convenience stores by cutting hedges and clearing window obstructions. The new law would also require high-crime stores to install more cameras, lighting.

Supreme Court strikes down California video game ban

Jun 27, 2011
The Supreme Court said today that California's restrictions on the sale of violent video games to minors violates the First Amendment in a 7-2 vote.

'Hot Coffee' burns tort reform

Jun 27, 2011
Susan Saladoff, producer and director of HBO's new documentary "Hot Coffee," discusses how a seemingly frivolous lawsuit became "the poster child for what's wrong with our legal system."