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Online Super Bowl gambling curtailed by new law

Feb 2, 2007
An estimated $8 billion will be wagered illegally on Sunday's Super Bowl. A lot of that money's gone online the past several years. But bets on this year's game could be good for more old-fashioned bookies. Jeff Tyler reports.

Identity theft drops 12 percent

Feb 2, 2007
Stolen identities are on the decline, says a new report. And it turns out that all that online banking is actually helping to keep your information safe. Jeff Tyler reports.

Advertisers get zapped for pop-ups

Jan 30, 2007
Law enforcement officials are now holding marketers accountable for paying to secretly install pop-up ads onto consumers' computers. Janet Babin has details.

Virginia's not for donors

Jan 30, 2007
At least not anonymous ones. Lawmakers in the state are considering legislation that would ban anonymous sperm and egg donations, and that could raise prices for families trying to conceive. Eric Niiler explains.

Protests target drug company's patent fight

Jan 29, 2007
AIDS activists took to the streets of Washington, D.C., and New Delhi, India today, protesting an attempt by Novartis to extend the patent protection for a new leukemia drug it makes. Shia Levitt reports.

Drug maker accused of suppressing evidence

Jan 29, 2007
GlaxoSmithKline may have covered up negative findings during clinical trials that linked its antidepressant drug Seroxat with suicidal feelings in teens. Stephen Beard reports.

A little-known change with a big effect

Jan 26, 2007
He's the executive. He gets to give the orders. Earlier this month President Bush issued an executive order that should make businesses pretty happy. Stephen Henn reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Pension fund takes the lead against Apple

Jan 24, 2007
The New York City Employees' Retirement System says it will be the lead plaintiff in a class-action suit filed against Apple in connection with the company's stock option backdating scandal. Alisa Roth reports.

State Farm settles flood of lawsuits

Jan 24, 2007
Insurance giant State Farm has agreed to pay out about $80 million to Mississippi policyholders who had sued over unpaid claims following Hurricane Katrina. Hillary Wicai reports.

A rescue from the send button

Jan 22, 2007
For businesses, e-mails gone wrong can be a matter of corporate life and death. Alex Goldmark tells us about one possible solution — self-destructing communications.