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Unsafe cribs will remain in use

Jun 27, 2011
New guidelines from the Consumer Product Safety Commission ban drop-side cribs, but some businesses can still use them.

What the hacking groups are after

Jun 21, 2011
CNET's Elinor Mills discusses the financial damage caused by the recent hacking episodes, and whether the hackers are after money, in light of the British police arresting a man in connection with the attacks.

Cramming gets a hearing

Jun 21, 2011
The Federal Communications Commission looks into hidden charges on phone bills.

Regulators seek to recover bond losses

Jun 21, 2011
Agency accuses banks of selling credit unions high-risk bonds without full disclosure.

The Supreme Court rules in favor of Walmart

Jun 20, 2011
The Supreme Court overturned a lower court ruling that more than a million female employees could join in a lawsuit accusing Walmart of paying women less than men.

Are U.S. drug users to blame for Mexican border violence?

Jun 15, 2011
Twenty-two million Americans use illegal drugs, and the U.S. government wants to start looking in the mirror as the Mexican drug war escalates.

Tracking drug smugglers on interstate highways

Jun 14, 2011
The U.S. gives millions to local officers to enforce specific stretches of interstate roads.

For public good, not for profit.

Organized labor fighting for domestic worker rights

Jun 14, 2011
AFL-CIO and other labor groups want workplace protections for nannies and housekeepers, even though U.S. law prevents those workers from joining unions.

How Mexican cartels get drugs across the border

Jun 13, 2011
Most illegal drugs cross into the Southwestern U.S. Devin Browne brings us this look at one particular drug route across the Mexican border.

California prison costs prompt reform

Jun 6, 2011
California, faced with rocketing prison costs, is considering its options. But proposals, including early releases and tax hikes, are controversial.