Iranian oil gush could push prices down

Jul 15, 2015
Once sanctions are lifted, Tehran will rush to exploit its oil and gas reserves.

How much is a 10-year forecast for cheap oil worth?

May 11, 2015
OPEC predicts oil prices will hang below $100 a barrel for as long as a decade.

Why "landmen" don't benefit from low gas prices

May 4, 2015
The people who oil companies pay to get the rights to drill for oil lose out.

As oil jobs falter, North Dakota feels the squeeze

Apr 3, 2015
Falling oil prices slashed thousands of jobs in oil and gas extraction, including some on the Bakken oilfield in North Dakota.

An Iran deal won't change oil market overnight

Apr 3, 2015
Even if sanctions are finally lifted, Iran faces barriers to rejoining the world oil market

Another oil train derails, as new rules approach

Mar 6, 2015
An uptick in accidents suggests tougher rules for oil tankers will prevail.

Oil, futures and 'super contango.' What's it all mean?

Mar 5, 2015
When low prices and high supplies converge, you get a super-rare situation.

For public good, not for profit.

Waiting for a key report on global oil market

Feb 9, 2015
Without OPEC ruling the market, analysts look to the International Energy Agency.

Oil prices tank, we save billions

Jan 20, 2015
In more than half the states, gas is selling for less than $2 a gallon.

With oil prices down, small companies feel the squeeze

Jan 14, 2015
When oil prices drop, size and location matter to the survival of oil companies.