Indian Rupee hits record low

Aug 16, 2013
A run on India's currency presages trouble in other emerging markets.

Bitcoin entrepreneurs barrel ahead despite legal clouds

Jul 3, 2013
A crop of start ups with venture capital backing are trying to make Bitcoin more mainstream and easy to trade.

Winklevoss twins plan Bitcoin fund IPO

Jul 2, 2013
The Winklevoss twins are trying to set up a fund that will allow investors to trade Bitcoins as if they were stock.

Another market manipulation scandal? Traders said to rig currency exchange rates

Jun 12, 2013
First there was the rigging of the interest rate known as LIBOR. Now there may be collusion on currency exchange rates.

New sanctions on Iran target currency, car industry

Jun 4, 2013
There will be new penalties for financial institutions that deal in Iranian currency, which should cause the rial to devalue further. But new sanctions on the country's car industry could be felt more acutely.

Emerging market economies see currency slowdown

Jun 3, 2013
From the Turkish lira to the South African rand, many emerging market currencies are down as U.S. interest rates increase.

Money laundering goes virtual? U.S. accuses Liberty Reserve of moving billions

May 29, 2013
The Feds have accused Liberty Reserve of moving $6 billion for criminals involved in credit card fraud and Ponzi schemes by converting cash to virtual currency.

For public good, not for profit.

Fiat money: It has nothing to do with the car

May 22, 2013
Your dollar bill isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Why? Because it's a fiat currency. Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains.
Your dollar bill isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Why? Because it's a fiat currency. Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains.

$20 bill turns 10, trailblazer in fight against counterfeiters

May 13, 2013
That 'new' 20-spot isn't so new anymore.

Gold prices sink as inflation stays at bay

Apr 11, 2013
Diane Swonk, chief economist with Mesirow Financial, joins Marketplace Morning Report host Jeremy Hobson to discuss the drop off in gold prices and whether there is such a thing as a safe haven anymore.