Have change for a gold bar? Arizona moves toward making gold and silver legal tender

Apr 9, 2013
Arizona is deciding whether to start making gold and silver legal tender, just after Utah made the move. You won't be paying for groceries in gold coins, but how will it work?

Bitcoin continues to spike in the wake of Cyprus

Apr 3, 2013
Whenever there's a big economic crisis, investors usually flock to the safety of gold or U.S. government bonds. But when things got crazy in the last couple weeks in Cyprus, it was something called Bitcoin that surged in value.

How Cyprus crisis has some thinking of Bitcoin

Apr 1, 2013
Amid the banking crisis in Cyprus, an online-only currency called Bitcoin is getting new attention. How does the currency work and who regulates it?

Why a currency war could hurt you

Mar 11, 2013
A currency war sounds weirdly abstract, like a game played by rival politicians -- but it can have devastating effects in the real world. And it’s not all that different from a rivalry of different kind – a hypothetical sibling rivalry.

Amazon to launch virtual currency

Feb 7, 2013
This week, the retailing giant said it will soon offer its own currency, called the Amazon Coin.

Making money: The most secure paper in the world

Jan 28, 2013
How do you stop a counterfeiter? Holograms are out, but bank note windows are in. We talk with the CEO of Fortress Paper, a company that makes special paper that money is made from, with a focus on security.

What would the trillion dollar coin look like?

Jan 8, 2013
Coin designer Garret Burke gives two cents on what a trillion dollar coin would look like

For public good, not for profit.

Minting, not printing, dollars to ease debt

Jan 4, 2013
A trillion dollar coin? It’s legal for the Treasury to mint and it could resolve the debt ceiling debate. But don’t bet your paper money on it.

More $100 bills in circulation than ever before

Nov 23, 2012
About 80 percent of U.S. currency is now printed in the $100 denomination. Surprised? Quartz reporter Matt Phillips explains how this came to be.

What Obama's re-election means to China

Nov 7, 2012
Across the world in China, American expats spent this morning watching election returns at an event hosted by the Shanghai chapter of the American Chamber of Commerce.