Breaking down the China debate

Oct 23, 2012
Last night's presidential debate about foreign policy covered a range of topics. As expected, the candidates touched on China and its high-profile relationship to the United States.

In debate, candidates get tough on China

Oct 22, 2012
As the presidential race shifts towards foreign policy, the candidates trade jabs over China on outsourcing and currency manipulation.

Iran inflation crisis sparks protests and blame

Oct 3, 2012
Today police in Iran fought with money lenders and other protesters in front of the country's central bank. Inflation in Iran is running at a shocking clip: the Iranian Rial is down 25% against the dollar in just the past week.

GOP considers studying a return to the gold standard

Aug 27, 2012
Restoring the link between gold and the dollar could send ripples through global financial system.

Redefining 'billfold'

Jul 20, 2012
A Los Angeles origami exhibit features an installation made completely out of sheets of uncut U.S. dollar bills.
Artist Sipho Mabona used the "wet folding" technique to twist and shape the locusts to make sure George Washington's faces and the words "In God We Trust" show prominently on the locusts' bodies.
Tess Vigeland

A Mexican town tries out its own currency

Jun 26, 2012
The town of Espinal in Southwest Mexico uses its own currency, the tumin, as well as the peso. Some say this boosts the local economy.

Companies draw contingency plans for Greek exit

Jun 12, 2012
While most experts are still calling a return to the drachma for Greece unlikely, private companies are scenario planning just in case.

For public good, not for profit.

Will Greece return to the drachma?

Jun 8, 2012
Greece continues to struggle through a debt and banking crisis and rumors of a 'Grexit' abound. If the country does leave the euro, how will it roll out the drachma, and what are the costs?

Timothy Geithner's signature not fit for print

Apr 26, 2012
The Treasury Secretary had to upgrade his autograph to appear on U.S. currency, he revealed in an interview with Marketplace host Kai Ryssdal
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's signature before and after. He had to change his autograph to appear on U.S. currency.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Utah officially makes gold and silver legal tender

Apr 20, 2012
The governor signed into law this week that gold and silver coinage is legal tender in the state of Utah. But how does it work?