A dollar collapse

Dec 10, 2009
Question: Will personal debt be devalued like government debt when Obama devalues the dollar and please don't act like he won't do that 3rd quarter...

Planning on living abroad

Nov 27, 2009
Question: My wife and I might eventually move abroad, for a couple of years, maybe for good (to Europe?). Should we install our retirement funds...

Foreign bonds

Nov 25, 2009
Question: Hey Chris, I've been listening to you since the "old days" with Sound Money. Good shows. Anyway, we know that a sound portfolio should...

A dollar collapse

Nov 3, 2009
Question: My husband's paranoid web sites are now predicting the collapse of the dollar by the end of the year. They say that other countries are...

Buying gold

Sep 11, 2009
Question: What is the best way to add some gold to your investment portfolio? It is best to buy shares in a mutual fund, or just buy gold? Andrew,...

Special Drawing Rights

Aug 28, 2009
Question: Can an individual buy IMF SDR'S? If so, how? Thank you for considering my question. Willy, Medford, WI...