Can a platinum coin solve the debt-ceiling standoff?

Oct 7, 2021
A legal loophole could let The Treasury Department mint the money it needs to run the government
The logo of the US  Treasury Department is seen on the outside of the Treasury building in Washington on August 19, 2011.

One way to value currencies? Compare Big Mac prices.

Jan 20, 2021
What the popular McDonald’s sandwich has to do with currency manipulation, trade policy and the incoming Biden administration.
The idea is that by drawing such comparisons across countries, you can determine whether prices are too high or too low relative to overall economic output.
Courtesy McDonald's via YouTube

Five things to think about when Trump says he wants a weaker dollar

Aug 23, 2019
When thinking about the U.S. dollar, it's important to think globally.
Kazuhiro Nogi/AFP/Getty Images

Strong dollar undermines Trump on trade

Aug 5, 2019
The U.S. dollar offers a safe haven in times of investor uncertainty and fear.
China Photos/Getty Images

What's the deal with the U.S. dollar?

Jul 26, 2019
From presidential tweets to corporate earnings reports, the U.S. dollar has been getting a lot of mentions recently.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Dollar could slide in 2019

Jan 2, 2019
The U.S. dollar had a pretty hot year in 2018: The Wall Street Journal’s Dollar Index put it up 4.3 percent last year against a basket of 16 other currencies. But up in 2018 may mean down in 2019, as many currency analysts predicting a weakening for the dollar in year ahead. Click the audio […]
A close up shot shows a one US dollar bill placed on a table in Tehran on April 10, 2018. 

Here are some reasons why China's currency is sinking

Oct 10, 2018
One U.S. dollar today is worth about 9.92 Chinese yuan. That’s down nearly 10 percent from where it was last spring. That drop has the attention of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who said Wednesday he wants to make sure China is not doing “competitive devaluations.” That’s when a country seeks an advantage by making its […]
An employee counts 100-yuan notes at a bank in Nantong in China's eastern Jiangsu province on July 23, 2018.
AFP/Getty Images

Is the Fed causing turmoil in emerging markets?

Aug 31, 2018
How U.S. interest rates cause trouble in Turkey, Argentina, and beyond
Chris McGrath/Getty Images