Venezuela turns to crypto currency, hoping to salvage battered economy

Feb 20, 2018
Venezuelan government will begin pre-selling a cryptocurrency today, called the "petro."

Investors ponder safe havens amid market volatility

Feb 7, 2018
The last few days have seen big swings in the global stock markets. During such volatile times, investors often shift their assets to what are called safe-haven currencies, traditionally the Japanese yen or Swiss franc. Why does that happen, and is now a good moment for safe havens? Click the audio player above to hear […]

Bitcoin miners are optimistic about the future

Dec 21, 2017
There’s been a little dip in the bitcoin market this week. The cryptocurrency has dropped about 10 percent against the dollar. Of course, that’s in the face of a 1,700 percent rise in the past year, so those tulip bulb analogies still apply. Speculators, however, (investors, if you prefer) are just one side of the […]

5 things you need to know about bitcoin

Dec 15, 2017
Marketplace Tech host Molly Wood on the must-knows of the crytpocurrency.
In an age of encryption, one of the major innovations of Bitcoin is their block-chain technology, which allows for transaction to be encrypted and tracked.

When can we stop using cash?

Jul 5, 2017
Paying with bills and coins is "a combination of cost cost, convenience cost and time cost," researcher says.

Attacks on currency have real economic consequences

Jun 29, 2017
The recession of 2008 was prolonged and worsened by China's currency manipulation.
STR/AFP/Getty Images

Here’s why the dollar is losing ground to other currencies

May 17, 2017
Until yesterday, stocks seemed pretty immune to the noise out of Washington. But the dollar? Different story. The past week has not been kind to the U.S. currency. It’s at a seven-month low, in fact. Here’s why the dollar is so sensitive to the news. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

For public good, not for profit.

Where do the U.S. and China go from here?

Apr 13, 2017
Trump refrains from calling China a currency manipulator.
A model of Beijing's Central Business District made from Chinese yuan notes.

This artist cuts up cash and uses it for collage

Apr 7, 2017
Artist Mark Wagner uses U.S. currency to make his intricate collages.
Contemporary artist Mark Wagner creates portraits of U.S. presidents from dollar bills.
Photo courtesy of Mark Wagner