Why the world is so bullish about the dollar

Oct 2, 2014
The causes of the rising dollar, and the winners and losers.

Scotland's currency dilemma

Sep 15, 2014
UK politicians say if Scotland becomes independent, it can no longer use the pound.

Forget your wallet, text messaging is the way to go.

Jun 18, 2014
Kenya's M-pesa's system has revolutionized how its citizens carry and use money

Exchanging currency in Venezuela is a nightmare

Mar 10, 2014
A new exchange system could bring the currency rate closer to the black market.

Why the dollar dominates global currency

Jan 29, 2014
The dollar continues to tighten its grip as the world's reserve currency.

Unrest overseas ripples into U.S. economy

Jan 27, 2014
The currency markets overseas economies took a tumble on Friday. Here's why the United States should keep an eye out -- but not worry too much.

Bitcoin's latest challenge: Congress getting it

Nov 18, 2013
Right now, Bitcoin functions mainly among early Bitcoin adopters – who have pushed the currency’s value to a record level.

For public good, not for profit.

London to become Chinese currency hub

Oct 15, 2013
There will now be a direct trading link between the British pound and the Chinese renminbi -- and that could be bad for the dollar.

The new $100 bill makes its debut

Oct 8, 2013
Then it starts a journey that will likely take it overseas or underground into a big pile of cash that nobody can find.

India faces worst economic crisis in 20 years

Aug 28, 2013
With the focus on Syria, also keep an eye on an unfolding economic meltdown in one of the world's most important economies: India.